I love vivid dreams. I've been having more of them lately, and I always want to remember them, but I never do. There is only one that I remember in particular and it was probably my favorite.
I was in the mountains somewhere, but all of the colors were enhanced somehow. There was some man there, but I have no idea who. He was petting a coyote. Which is strange, because I absolutely hate coyotes, but he was beckoning me to follow. So I did. But the way the moon and the stars popped out against the black sky, reflected on the lake below was absolutely gorgeous.
I want to see that in real life, I'd rather do without the coyotes. A nice dog would suffice, I think. Either way, I want to go somewhere where I am surrounded by nature and by the beauty of everything that was created by God. Man's creations pale miserably in comparison to the natural surroundings they tear down. Industrialization will always be a kind of ugly to me. The rows and rows of cookie cutter houses with 6 feet separating them will always make me feel as though I cannot breathe.
My mind will likely never be able to fathom the ease with which we, as humans, seem to have in destroying the beauty of this world to make room for our own.
God created this earth, and it was good. I hope that someday I can live somewhere and in a way so that my children will have a full appreciation for this goodness.
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